Monday, 17 February 2020

Where am I?

Where am I, that's a question we find ourselves asking a lot right? Well, let's not talk about location because signs are everywhere and Google maps can do more than I can in that regard, let's focus on the now. Where are you now? Did you just lose a best friend or family member? Did you quit your job? Did you just realised, admit or done something pivotal to shape your future? Are you diving neck deep into some sweet treats that now seems irresistible in the wake of a heartbreak? Did you recently start to devote yourself to a healthier, fitter and balanced lifestyle or a new hobby perhaps? Are you finally acting on your decision to travel the world? Are you doing the same frivolous routines or are you on your way to a new school or prom or sitting at a banquet for your 60th birthday celebration? You know where you are! The question isn't where am I, it's do I know I'm still in the race. Life has not stopped; you still have time to do more, be more, or simply find a little touch of joy in doing minor things to help climb your way out of the dark pit of sadness you're currently experiencing! You still have time to give yourself a chance to live.

Ask yourself in this moment do you feel like a work in progress or have you stopped living, even though that beautiful little organ is still pounding away perfectly fine. Why are you pretending you're at the finish line when there are more laps still to run - you're still in the race! I've noticed several people are battling depression and fighting suicidal thoughts and if that's you I want you to do exactly as I'm about to instruct before proceeding to the next paragraph! Take a minute and breathe, and as you focus on every breath you take, reflect on how far you've come, all the hurdles you've jumped, all the times you've genuinely been proud of yourself for even doing the most "normal" of things like rolling out of bed or smiling because for you it hasn't been so 'normal'. Now as you reflect on these moments think about the others you've made smile or helped over a hurdle of their own and realise there's a reason you're still breathing. Today you roll out of bed and make it to the bathroom, next week would be the kitchen, before you know it it'll be your car or whatever means of transport, then work, then it'll be conversation with strangers again and a smile, then laughter will find its way back to your soul and before you know it maybe love or a purpose will stumble on your path. Now you may regress before you achieve what you want and if that happens just remember to get out of bed, dormancy and change does not go hand in hand. Why do you think I call this blog movements? The change you want to see lies in your movements, so keep going!

For all those people not battling from such emotions but living day after day monotonously, I am not saying save a life or tomorrow wake up and go pilot an airplane, but by all mean you might as well get 5 seconds in the cockpit while you're on your way to skydive for the first time hahahahaaa. All I'm saying is while you're busy making a dream come true why not cross a few unexpected actions off your bucket list too. It's all about doing what you've always wanted to do before crossing the finish line, living in your best light, I mean who else deserves the spotlight if not you right - that's rhetorical by the way haha.

A lot of us hate to colour outside the lines, therefore we abhor anything beyond the norm. At first it may have started off as fear but it has gotten to the point we may hate outcasts or daredevils or the idea of being different or even simply breaking the rules... So I'm here to help you! Humans were created to grow and change, hindering that only limits or prevent your progress and who needs limits in a world filled with endless opportunities. In fact who needs hate when there's so much beauty around. I get it some of us grew up in an environment that forbade smiling or showing any signs of 'sensitivity' and some of us grew up being told there is a lineage of 'this and that' in our family, therefore traditions and a legacy has to be uphold - it's in our destiny. Well, like I said humans were created to enforce change. You want a change make it happen and if you don't well stand up, pivot and take that 360 view in people because that's all the future has to offer sadly. But no harm no foul right? We all know where we are, the question is do we know we're still in the race. After that I guess it's all about figuring out WHERE YOU WANT TO GET TO AND WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE ALONG THE WAY IN THIS SHORT LITTLE LIFE OF OURS. I think you know! Forget fear and consequences for awhile and just take a leap, you might surprise yourself and life just might surprise you in return. Stars shoot beyond the moon into the unknown honey - that's a beautiful thing - and as Gaga would put it "YOU'RE A GODDAMN SUPERSTAR!" Own your liberation from the doubts of this world and conquer like you were born to do.