Monday, 14 September 2020


I was born in a really god fearing city. My people never cared much for fearing humans because as our saying goes "if you can bleed like me then you can fall like me" but God, he deserved to be worshipped, feared and loved - that was the conundrum I found difficult to understand . It took leaving the city and reminiscing on the actions of so many others to realise just how far gone we were. I always heard about the devil too, he puzzled me the most. I started to compare his situation to acts related to high school or some notorious vigilante that didn't stick around to tell their story so a game of chinese whispers did the work for him. Over time I started to feel a sense of sadness mix with a lack of care for god and his fellow angel, the infamous devil but also towards the attitudes of people like myself invested in these folktales.

I became invested in attending church services couple years back. I think a lot of people thought I did it because of my beliefs, or my love for god or the messages being delivered but none of the above sadly, I did it because that atmosphere delivered an energy that was indescribable, it's hard to put it all into words. The mixture of combustable emotions made the room intriguing to me and I couldn't help but return. You could feel everything swimming around in the air originating from the alter and bouncing off the walls - faith, love, appreciation, pain, longing, desire to change, lust, surprise, etc, the concoction was overwhelming. Sadly, the joy of it all was temporary for me.  I never quiet grasped how god still recieves so much love with all the things people already know about him or her. How do you know of a being that created you and all that exist, claim to treasure life but after a gluttonous decision made by his first two human experiments (left in enemy territory may I add under no supervision), we're all condemned to merciless hands of death. Does that sound just? Then you're told he has an evil brother that contested his regime of reign and was sentenced to remain in a place you're not supposed to wish upon your worst enemy, then why was it was ok for a being held so highly to then excercise such cruel, drastic and unforgivable precaution on their own blood. Is it then ok to say do unto others as you would yourself? If we're loved so much then why is heaven or hell even a question, better yet why do you have to suffer a sickening fate such as being raped or enduring homelessness if your fate was seen by the omniscient GOD you 'love', centuries before your existence. Let me guess it's all apart of God's greater plan and to test your faith and blah blah blah.

I can't imagine how hard it must have been for the devil. I think we all know as humans that there's only so much bad we can hear about ourselves or be surrounded by before we succumb to such darkness. I'm sure angels are no different in the same respect. By no means am I defending Satan, I still believe that we should all face the consequences for our wrongdoings but we should hold god to the same standards. I personally don't think heaven would represent euthopia, it's filled with angels scared to speak out and end up sharing the same faith as the fallen. I can't speak on any other religions but Christianity, and I do feel it's time you all stop blaming evil forces for your actions because as the story of Adam and Eve showed the devil just whispers the choice to act is yours. Any true believer of God knows that. 

As for you god, I feel rather indifferent. I don't care for your presence, too many people has suffered under your watch and for someone who has the power to stop it... All these stories in the bible has just inflicted fear to increase your fans/followers. The world has  forget that in order for there to had been a hero you gladly painted villains: Judas the betrayer, Goliathe is now a permanent mockery, Mary is having a kid without sex then birthing a revolutionary soul while Michal died barren, Sodom and Gomorrah ccausd a rift that seems irrevocable between the gay community and your loyal fans and the list continues. God I don't think you're worthy of fear nor belief, but like you said treat others as I would like to be treated, so I'll tell you as I always tell Akil "all the best"! And the to all you loyal believers do you but respect others' choice to not treat God like a crutch or care about his/her existence at all. And to the atheists, FUCK, cheers to y'all, live ya best life!