Sunday, 13 January 2013

It’s a New Year: it’s the perfect opportunity to start afresh!

If life could speak it would say some remarkable things this year – mainly, that it’s thrilled it overcame a year several thought would be its demise. And maybe by confessing this it hope we’d feel more than just a vicarious sense of accomplishment, instead it probably hope we would learn that despite the discouragement of others in time we’ll overcome the doubts we've been burden with. Maybe life wanted us to realize that everyday grants us an opportunity to start afresh, grants us the chance to make proud memories or do the things time robbed us of yesterday.  For example, it’s a new day, a new week, a new month and it’s still the start of brand new year why not take the chance to pursue something new.

We dwell on what we “can and can’t” do but that’s the beauty of learning and maturing as an individual, right? We live in a world that is constantly developing, offering more and more as time goes on and yet we’re reluctant to take advantage of all it has to offer. Whether we know it or not, I believe at this particular point in time, we have all we need to make it into tomorrow, we just need to recognize our potential and how best to utilize what we have. Josh Billings once said “Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well” – a wise message! If a person felt that way two centuries ago in a society that lacks the vast amounts of resources and opportunities we have now, then it should be a piece of cake finding the dedication needed to accomplish anything we desire today. Don’t complicate life more than it needs to be!

I’m simply saying take this year to do the things you always wanted to; go ahead and grasp every opportunity that comes your way. Why not treat life like lemons and squeeze it until you drain it of all it has to offer you (if that makes sense). This year don’t doubt yourself before knowing exactly what you are capable of, you may be surprise how much you accomplish before the year ends.

“Starting over usually involves making some colossal changes but you’ll accomplish so much if you take things one step at time while being thankful for every little thing you manage to achieve.” - AKLH.

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