Sunday, 17 February 2013

Love Sweet Love Part 2 (Poem)

I been thinking about love a lot lately;
then I turned around found it staring at me,
so I gestured to it, told it to come to me,
then I found myself serenading;
told it I thought heaven paid earth a visit,
and forgot its most precious possession, or
maybe it was their plan all along to leave me a beautiful angel,
told love that maybe we're destined,
that if it stuck by me then I’ll be the joy its heart been longing.
It felt right,
I can’t remember the last time my heart cried
wanting something or someone so desperately.
I stared in the eyes of love today,
it seemed like the only thing honest and pure left in this world.
I felt the hands of love today,
it brought nothing but hope and affection to my flesh;
I tasted the lips of love today,
It left me with this ravenous desire for pleasure,
one that hurt to the core;
I was in the presence of love today,
and I witness the raw definition of a voluptuous being;
Love’s soul was like the feeling of serenity,
Its actions are beyond beautiful 
like images of a calm sea trying to hide the sunset.
Love’s soul spoke to mine,
saying it’s time both our souls intertwine.
I found love for sure today,
and man is it sweet.

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. – Aristotle.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Love Sweet Love Part 1 (Poem)

Hey; I met love again today,
hanging out on the coast of great possibilities
right around the corner from café unexpected
and it turned around, saw me standing there,
stared at me for what seemed like forever,
before it gestured to me to come on over;
And I did.
Said it was hoping I'd show my face today,
said it had a surprise for me,
told me to close my eyes,
 and I did;
then it serenaded me;
something beyond belief,
something alluring like the scent of roses
felt like poetry to be honest,
not like the Poe’s or the Dickinson’s I’m used to, no!
It felt as though it paid history a visit
and came back drenched in the words of Shakespeare
and possessed by the soul of Austen.
The last tasted bittersweet diary, but not this one,
this just tasted - Sweet - real sweet.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Quote of the day:

"The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed." - Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

That brave first step

I was told once that taking the first step towards resolving something difficult would be 80% of the work I’ll be expected to do in order to achieve what I had set out to achieve; I don’t know if that assertion is true but I know that though taking that step may have seemed extremely hard at the time, it was something I had to do if I’d hoped to accomplish anything at all. 

In life taking a simple step towards anything could grant us a lot – confidence, clarity, help, hope, mutual affection… However, we fool ourselves repeatedly into not taking it because the thought of making that leap always seem to conjure up horrible outcomes and severe consequences before we even get a chance to consider the good it could possibly bring. Doubt and fear are two natural emotions that affect us all; nonetheless, missing out on great things by using either of them to justify not being able to follow through with the ‘unthinkable’ is quite sad. Often, you’ll find that you tend to regret the things you wish you had done when given the chance rather than the things you actually did.

Life’s a puzzle: you’re meant to wonder, you’re meant to try and try again until the pieces start to fit and you’re meant to have hope throughout it all, that in the end you might end up getting exactly what you desire. Not knowing what will happen if you follow through with something will forever be a scary thought, but taking that first step into the great unknown is an opportunity worth seizing especially if there’s a possibility you might get what you’re looking for. Go ahead and muster up the courage you need and have faith when taking that first step because life might just end up granting you more than you wished for. “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” – Martin Luther King.

Whether it’s the first step towards receiving help, comfort, admittance, conquering fear or anything at all, just go ahead take that brave step. What’s progress without a little push from those who needs it right? I’ve heard several times before that life is a precious gift, one that is worth appreciating; it’s not worth worrying or dwelling in constant curiosity when the opportunity to explore lies before you. Life’s a journey, so I say put one foot forward and let the next one gracefully follow…

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tzu.

Sunday, 3 February 2013


Sometimes it seems as though life has the ability to deceive us into feeling as though the most joyous moments in our lives would last forever; we find ourselves thinking that maybe if we hold on to the source of our happiness a few seconds longer, time would stop and that moment would last for eternity or something along those lines. Let me tell you that majority of time it usually takes a day for that great feeling to disappear and a week for it to seem like a lifetime ago, but only a second for it to become a memory. I find a lot of the times we tend to dwell on the gifts the future may or may not bring to the table instead of acknowledging how much we have now and how vital it is to make the most of the present.

We often underestimate the huge impact a small act of kindness could have on the lives of others: a quick smile we give a stranger having a bad day as we walk by on the street or the major difference a few pennies could make to a homeless person. Sometimes we even fail to notice the despair that could have infiltrated our paths, like the sorrow life could have brought your love ones if you had stepped off the sidewalk a few seconds earlier but it’s O.K. Being unaware of seemingly little things or life’s greater plan doesn’t matter, it’s the difference you could make to your life and those around you right now that really matter.

There’s an old saying - “life is short so live every moment as if it were your last” – what if we did? What if instead of trying to hold on to every moment that elates us, we just acknowledge how short and precious each moment is, just recognize how valuable the joy it brings really is and decide to hold on to that moment by trying to fit a few more happy moments into that very one so when it ends we could honestly say we made the most of it? Why don’t you get up now and decide wholeheartedly that you will make today a great day instead of choosing not to smile or feeling upset about not accomplishing the things you hoped you’d achieve at this point in time? Time waits for no one so don’t sit around waiting to see what it has to bring, capitalize every second. Take a leaf out of Einstein’s book he said “I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough”  because it really does.

Life has the ability to trick us into thinking or feeling a precious moment may last forever, but we have the ability to decide what we feel, think or will do right now, so think positive and try smiling, I heard it's contagious!

 “Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” – Earl of Chesterfield.