Sunday, 10 February 2013

That brave first step

I was told once that taking the first step towards resolving something difficult would be 80% of the work I’ll be expected to do in order to achieve what I had set out to achieve; I don’t know if that assertion is true but I know that though taking that step may have seemed extremely hard at the time, it was something I had to do if I’d hoped to accomplish anything at all. 

In life taking a simple step towards anything could grant us a lot – confidence, clarity, help, hope, mutual affection… However, we fool ourselves repeatedly into not taking it because the thought of making that leap always seem to conjure up horrible outcomes and severe consequences before we even get a chance to consider the good it could possibly bring. Doubt and fear are two natural emotions that affect us all; nonetheless, missing out on great things by using either of them to justify not being able to follow through with the ‘unthinkable’ is quite sad. Often, you’ll find that you tend to regret the things you wish you had done when given the chance rather than the things you actually did.

Life’s a puzzle: you’re meant to wonder, you’re meant to try and try again until the pieces start to fit and you’re meant to have hope throughout it all, that in the end you might end up getting exactly what you desire. Not knowing what will happen if you follow through with something will forever be a scary thought, but taking that first step into the great unknown is an opportunity worth seizing especially if there’s a possibility you might get what you’re looking for. Go ahead and muster up the courage you need and have faith when taking that first step because life might just end up granting you more than you wished for. “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” – Martin Luther King.

Whether it’s the first step towards receiving help, comfort, admittance, conquering fear or anything at all, just go ahead take that brave step. What’s progress without a little push from those who needs it right? I’ve heard several times before that life is a precious gift, one that is worth appreciating; it’s not worth worrying or dwelling in constant curiosity when the opportunity to explore lies before you. Life’s a journey, so I say put one foot forward and let the next one gracefully follow…

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tzu.

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