Saturday, 27 April 2013

Just give up!

I’ve notice that I’ve written a lot surrounding the importance of not giving up lately and though that’s a message I think we should all take heed of I feel I should have pointed out the importance of giving up too, especially when you know in your heart it’s the right thing to do. This week I came across someone that reminded me about the conflict that takes place between a devoted heart and an unwilling mind… I feel as though we struggle with the easiest choices sometimes, but we choose to question our thoughts and actions due to feeling that the past we’re so accustomed to is a safer option to live with than taking a risk and embracing something that could potentially be better. The thing about life is safety will always be an illusion and the future, well that will always be a mystery but it eventually becomes your reality and whether you like it or not illusions are false for a reason.
Don’t dwell on the past too much, apparently with a little faith if it’s meant to be it will.

I digress, sorry! Giving up is difficult for a lot of us and it’s rare you’ll come across someone that definitely understands how hard it is for you to go ahead and turn your back on something or someone you care dearly about. We find that a lot of time we need support or guidance through the toughest times and even later down the line after countless comforting speeches we're still left feeling empty. Please don’t repeat past mistakes because of feelings of loneliness or emptiness it’s not worth it; if you know it was right to give up on then move on, just keep moving! It's time you learn how to live for YOU, acknowledge it’s time for a change and then use each day to focus on something different like creating new  goals for the future or starting new hobbies that may interest you.

I usually find it’s easier when you take it one day at a time, surround yourself with good company learn to smile then laugh, learn to accept your flaws, take responsibility, reach a point of self-actualization and embrace new situations or things especially the scary ones – just enjoy the feeling of freedom. So as I was saying earlier I feel we struggle with the easiest choices in life because of the fear of letting go but unless we give up how can we move on? Just remember because something is coming to an end doesn’t mean life has nothing more to offer you.

“To make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from”. T.S Eliot.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Keep tryin’ (Part 3)

“I’ve tried to cut these corners, try to take the easy way out, I kept on falling short of something. I coulda gave up then, but then again I couldn’t have ‘cause I’ve travelled all this way for something.” – Imagine Dragons.

I’ve been guilty of taking a few short cuts in life to get what I want, but I always find that I end up missing out on something significant or the consequences always comes back to bite me in the a… The thing about life is it seems to pave two different paths: one path seems to be this long, never-ending pathway to what we desire and the other seems to be filled with short cuts – these moments of temptation we can’t help but acknowledge. Funny thing about it is like everything in life that is short and rushed it never ends up perfect or fulfilling and like every other thing consumed by temptation you always seem to want more. Usually some of us find out that taking the easy routes through life is all we want to do and majority of the times that always leads back to feeling unsatisfied, which then leads to you wanting to give up – Don’t!

Sometimes all you need to do in life is reflect on the multiple times you could’ve given up in the past, acknowledge that maybe you’ve been through a lot worse; and acknowledge that you came all this way to do more than just surrender; just acknowledge you’re meant for more. Keep trying! Those are two words worth moulding your life around. I feel sometimes it’s best to believe that after darkness comes dawn, after lows comes highs and behind every valley lies a mountain and once you conquer that mountain it’s your time to live your dream - but unless you’re willing to keep going, to keep on trying then you won’t achieve much, will you? Keep Trying!

“I’ve had the highest mountains, I’ve had the deepest rivers, you can have it all but life keeps moving, NOW take it in but don’t look down.” - Imagine Dragons (Song: On top of the world).

“Keep trying because life’s worth it” - AKLH