“Don’t ever
give up. You gotta keep trying, and never give up.” - Ryan Sheckler.

There’s a famous
proverb from Thomas H. Palmer that says “If at first you don’t succeed, try,
try, try again” and it’s easy to hear these sayings and say you will, especially
when your life’s going great but you never truly know how much effort you’re
willing to make unless you’re battling adversity. I could sit here and write
millions of uplifting quotes about the importance of persistently trying in
life, but unless you’re willing to try and make a difference in your life it
makes no difference what I have to say.
I find that
whenever we’ve reached breaking point we seek inspiration from the lives of
others, we seek advice or support from those around us and that’s fine, but I once
read advice is something we seek when we already know the answers to the
questions we are asking but find ourselves too overwhelmed by fear to act
without approval. I think all the inspiration you need is in the mirror, it’s
in the footsteps you leave, the inner courage you underestimate and more
importantly it’s in the vision you have for your life. Trying is easier than
you think just remember the people you’re inspired by faces brick walls too but
they didn’t give up so don’t make that an option for yourself.
“To fail is a
natural consequence of trying; to succeed takes time and prolonged effort in
the face of unfriendly odds. To think it will be any other way, no matter what
you do, is to invite yourself to be hurt and to limit your enthusiasm for
trying again.” - David Viscott.
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