Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Believe & Goodbye

This past week has been quite eventful and we don't need to get too deep and dwell on all the details, but I been thinking about this post over the past few days and I think it's time to go ahead and do it so...

Recently, I been listening to a song a lot – Ironic by Alanis Morissette – and I find that whenever I’m listening to something so much there's a message hidden somewhere in it that I need to take heed of and usually I always think that message is hidden in a complex sentence or just a clever wordplay but this time it was just something simple - “life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and life has a funny funny way of helping you out”. I wrote about two months' worth of posts for y'all and I was honestly looking forward to posting them in the upcoming months because I thought the messages they were going to deliver was so influential, daring, eye-opening and very different from some of the stuff y'all have been fed already but hmmm.... Last week I saw that you can learn the saddest things from a nice sentence or a small act of kindness and it showed me I have a lot to work on as an individual and that's what led me to this very post folks.

I feel like at some point in life a lot us were given a bubble to live in and this bubble is safe but it's seems so claustrophobic at times but it's yours, you know, and that makes all the difference. Anyways, you have these moments where you look out at the world and you see so much happening and you just want to join everybody and so you pop your bubble. The thing is later down the line you recognize that there was a reason you were given that bubble you know and you underestimated how much your capable of achieving on your own from that place. Does that sound stupid? The main thing is folks when I started this blog, my main goal was to inspire one soul and to be honest I think I inspired the one person I didn't even recognize needed inspiring and that's all I can say.

I wrote something last week for myself and it reminded me of that person I once was and I looked around and I thought how did I get here; how did I become someone that became interested in pleasing everyone but himself; how did I end up surrounded by these four walls of contentment when I knew all along it could never be home; and most of all, how did writing become something I felt I had to do rather than something I actually enjoy. I was reading the post I posted 2 or 3 weeks ago “free fall and resurrect” and I realized I was never the type to be fazed by regression and I think it's my time to regress, free fall and resurrect (as silly as that sounds) and so folk I decided it's time to step away from this.

Growing up, one of my schools had this motto “only your best is good enough” and I want you to keep that in mind because if someone is not pleased with your best then they'll probably never be pleased with anything you do – do your best and be happy with it but try not to settle for contentment because its pleasant feeling only last so long. Believe in yourself, know your worth and what you want out of life and then go for it, like my mom always says “do what you gotta do”.

Lastly, it's been fun folks, thanks for reading, KEEP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF and GOODBYE!!!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The truth is you're flawed – be proud of it!!!

Where do I start folks??? Hmmmm, I think our insecurities are definitely something we all struggle with and it's funny because sometimes I wonder why; I mean I think a lot of times we know how insignificant these little imperfections are but we still choose to dwell on them and I wonder if we do that because we desperately seek reassurance or if it's more about gaining attention or just having something to complain about. It's like that Jessie J song “who you are”, you find yourself in the mirror one day puzzled about this continuous need to just scrutinize these tiny errors you find with your appearance when all you need to know is that it's okay not to be okay – we're all flawed and that's the truth ladies and gents, be proud!

You know what's funny, I was listening to a youtuber earlier this month and he said that when you're struggling with your insecurities you don't want to hear about anyone else's flaws because you got yours so who care about theirs and I thought that was weird because a lot of us walk by each other on the street and if we're honest we're grateful that we don't have the flaws a lot of other people have but yet we have the nerve to go back home and dwell on the ones we do have after seeing life could have been a lot worse in that department. Oh, why do we always feel like our appearance needs more work than our personality, you think because people can't see what lies on the inside it matters less - it doesn't folks to some people like me appearance counts very little. It's like that quote by R.W Emerson everything "pales in comparison to what lies inside you"; stop focusing on those around you and learn to accept yourself as a flawed being that constantly needs to try being a better human being.

I find that sometimes we psychologically jump into the deep end without noticing and before you know it we're sinking in the depths of self doubt, so self-conscious about all those factors we over exaggerate, that we lack the ability to see that like a lifeguard help is right there, don't be too prideful to see that someone accept those flaws and see them as something beautiful. I've learn that it's better to come to terms with your flaws folks just absolutely accept them because when you live in denial and someone chooses to jab a knife in that open wound well...

And for all those folks that chooses to play super modest to avoid seeming conceited well you learn down the line that the truth is the truth and ain't a thing wrong with being narcissistic, when you got it you just got it. We're all given a talent, we all have a purpose even if it seems like we don't, we're all human and most of all we're all flawed be proud of that because in the words of One Direction it's the little things that adds up to you and you might as well love them folks.

If you ever, ever feel like you're nothing, you're fxxking PERFECT! - Pink (Perfect)

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Be yourself ‘cause who you are is worth being (Keep Tryin' Pt 4)

I believe everything happens when it’s suppose to and it happens for a reason – absolutely everything - you come across certain people and things when you're suppose to, you do the little things when you're suppose to (though you overlook the great things they’ll lead to), problems occur when they are suppose to, dreams come true when they are suppose to, etc. With that being said, I have this “disappearing act” thing I do whenever I feel like I need to remember this person I’ve worked so hard to become and sort of block out certain elements of my character I find distasteful and I felt like this summer I really needed a little distance from the usual sites. I went away this summer with a lot of different intentions in mind but overall I wanted to chase down something I lost a long time ago even though I knew it was something I’ll never get back, but because I felt as though it was something I needed, I did. I don’t know if anyone else set themselves these impossible goals in life but I always do, and the funny thing is whenever I do it, my character – my whole mindset - undergoes this drastic change and all of a sudden I’m this person trying to express himself to the world but doesn’t know who he is himself – basically, it’s like being back at square one again.
The strange thing is I love that feeling; that’s a feeling I’ve always grown up having to adapt to, hence the reason this month surrounds the whole defining concept.

This year, I feel like I’ve kind of made the greatest change I’ve made in my life and it’s strange because my current state of mind is at a level I never expected it to get to. To be truthful I’m always preaching be yourself, be yourself but yet I wasn’t fully myself with those around me. I kept justifying it with more excuses than I care to remember but they all sound like blah, blah, blah now. The truth is I was too scared to admit that I was too afraid to be me. I’ve always said, being the character I am I have to feed people my personality in doses, I can’t just run up on them because then they’ll choke (not literally). But, this is where it all changes because I’ve been waiting for change to come my whole life but clearly it was waiting for me, so why wait any longer. The thing is this summer really showed me that all the characteristics I’ve loathed in other individuals growing up has consumed the hell out of me over the past few years and it’s all due to these excuses I’ve been making. I found myself asking how do you tell everyone around you that you’re the same fool you use to be only far different, and that was wrong for me to do because prior to this self-assessment period I didn’t really care about what people thought – if they like you good, if they don’t well one less worry, like the hands of time, you keep moving.

I always thought over the years that the things I admired most about myself was my honesty and my idiosyncrasies because I feel like it’s so great when you can honestly say your different from the mass and you're proud to be, but at the end of the day I was never going to lie to myself, so I gladly accepted that those things were going to be my main downfall as well. Without even noticing I became so truthful with myself, so disgustingly harsh that I became this person that was hard to look at and before I knew it I lost me. I say “be yourself because who you are is worth being” but there are these times in life where you just act like you're someone else because the person you are is too unbearable for you to let loose. In my case, I chose to be that new disgusting bastard because I wasn’t interested in being anyone else, the way I see it I can’t say I want realness and then portray someone I desire to be, just to avoid the horrible qualities I have – where’s the realness in that? You come across these people in life that want you to match their image and their expectations and you got to be careful because if you give in to their wants before you know it you’re a prisoner to that personality you’ll create to please them rather than being who you actually are. You got to be truthful to yourself and that’s hard to do but if you take it one step at a time and open the doors you need to when you feel it’s the right time, you’ll be fine - in my opinion. I’m telling you this because I feel like a lot of us always feel like maybe this world too unsympathetic and unwilling to give us a chance but as a society we constantly ask for the truth and realness but when we receive it we feel like it needs to be tweaked to match our personal expectations; you could tweak away but you’ll find out soon that making everyone happy defines mission impossible and you’re not Tom Cruise, it’s not your role – just be you!

I can’t see why you would expect someone to be honest with you if you’re not prepared to be honest with them. I say to people be true, be real with me, it don’t matter how malicious you are just be you because then I’ll know what to expect from the beginning. If your fake and your demons chooses to pop up unexpectedly it’ll be your fault when you get serve the pain you rightfully deserve. I’m just saying when you be yourself you find people that will willingly accept you for who you are and that ladies and gents save you a whole lot of heartache and time.

In relation, to the start of this post, insomnia smacked me down and I found myself awake one night in the summer and somehow I got this strange urge to listen to Lauryn Hill and without even noticing I came across this video that was very needed at that point and she was really drilling into her character and how society and personal concerns really influence our inner self. At some point in her speech she said “we been told to protect our outer man while our inner man is dying” and believe me, I understand that sometimes in life we put on this hard-bodied facade as a defense mechanism but don’t let it corrupt that great personality you're trying to hide. She also said “anything that is not growing is dead”, take a minute and really take heed to that quote folks because change is scary but it’s worth embracing and if you’re not changing as an individual then you’re not growing, you’re not moving from your current state and where’s the beauty in that?

After all that I’m just ready to be me and it’s a lot to work through, you know, because all of us have hidden in these little boxes purposely because of parts of ourselves we were unhappy about and we didn’t love ‘em. And it's because we didn’t understand, you know, because there’s all this social doctrine that says that, you know, the infinite God with all this expression who created every single one of us absolutely different, on purpose, wants everybody to fit into the same suit. I’m like, you know, that’s deception... We were each created to be individual standards, you know, and we’re trying to fit into a standard; it doesn’t make any sense.” – Lauryn Hill (DAE - Interlude 5).

Be yourself because who you are is worth being!” Period folks – AKLH

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Hey Mr. Present, can you guess who it is???

Dear Akil,
             2013, WOOO HOOOO!!! Man I remember those days. So, if I got it right this letter should reach you a few days before you turn 21 but then again this time machine reminds me of stubborn old you when it comes to punctuality - I'm kidding. All jokes aside I know you'll get it; I remember reading it at your age and posting it on that blog thing we had (congrats for stepping out your safety zone I bet you never thought you'll be blogging), I'm proud of you! I'm writing this letter for a few reasons and I don't have much time so I'll be frank. See I know by now you already know what will happen or at least what you think will happen but you should know that once you open that door you can't close it just look at your arm and keep going (you know what I mean).

I remember when I read this there were very few clues about the far future so forgive me for leaving you with Mr. curiosity but I should let you know that 2014 brings three major things –one will begin before the year finishes – when they do just run with them O.K. "If you walk in fear you get nowhere" mate REMEMBER that quote! You'll also develop a fondness for three new hobbies and when you do as strange as they are follow through with them too. I don't want to feed you too much so next topic. I bet you want to know about the family, wouldn't you??? Your sister accomplished a lot and she's happy so you can look forward to the constant calls and updates - forget peace of mind (can't say you weren't warned); it's a good thing though. As for your mom she's happy, what can I say she's mom, main point is your triangle is still LEGENDARY.

I remember around this time you had a lot of tentative plans, follow through with them, it's worth it but remember your rules and remember that road – trust me you'll need to. Keep going that's the main thing and try to smile more man you need to. Oh, I tried sending a letter to the 11 year old us telling him to keep being that weird, capricious bastard and it will all work out but we both know he didn't receive it; it's probably for the best if you got this a decade ago I have a feeling you would've done a lot of things differently and neither of us want that now do we. You're heading down the right path son just keep your head up.

Yeah, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY when it comes, you'll enjoy it - (Spoiler Alert!!!) you got at least 50 more years to look forward to, I'll tell you that much. I'll see you in the mirror later down the line young one, until then stay humble, do what you have to and enjoy the memories - I sure did!

P.S you remember that one thing you wanted as a kid, well it turns out it's possible after all.

See you soon!

The Future You

Friday, 13 September 2013

Free fall then Resurrect

You ever feel like you’re free falling??? I feel like that a lot; I didn’t know that’s what this feeling was till recently. It’s like you’re falling and you can see the inevitable and whether or not you choose to fight it your body automatically does but you know it in your heart that the obvious will happen. In this moment you see it all, it’s like a huge collage of palpable moments that just seem to appear out of nowhere to help you feel warmth or happiness or sadness or just reach a point of acceptance. You truly understand in that short space of time the true meaning of two phrases: “before you die, your life flashes before your eyes” and “life is too short”. It’s in these last few seconds, that you really see how trivial a lot of things in life really were and why it meant so much to just laugh while you had the chance. The choice to jump or that accidental step that led to this unfortunate predicament seem so minor and it just concludes that all those unimportant “why me?” you chose to dwell on didn’t matter, your only focus is the aftermath of anything you face - can you recover from it? You see these moments and despite whatever emotions they make you feel, for a brief second you finally see the beauty of life and there it is – the inevitable.

You wake up to find that it was all a dream and then everything changes.

It’s like you had an epiphany that has forced you to recognize the vitality of YOUR life and how important it is to really take heed to the fact that spiritually you’ve changed – you’ve been given a second chance. The joy you feel just seem so overwhelming to not share with those around you but then couple days pass or a week, a month or couple months and you’re a victim of those trivial actions again. To be honest I don’t know why I’m telling you this, I know its significance to me but I feel it’s one of those messages you have to interpret in your own way so maybe it’s up to you to decide how it relates to you. See I’ve learned that I and everyone else trying to motivate and inspire you people are merely assistants on your path and it’s important that both you and I recognize that. See, I can write and try to persuade you that you have the courage to overcome anything but unless you can find the strength you possess then change can never take place; in other words, I can assist you mentally but physically mate you’re on your own and that’s sad but it’s the hardcore truth. I find lately that I need to constantly remind myself of that too because I get lost in these words thinking that maybe I’ll change the world one day but it takes a lot more than words of encouragement, we both have to somehow muster up the courage to change ourselves for a better future.

I don’t even know how I digressed so far – let’s rewind.

I started to write something a while back for y’all titled resurrection and in it I said that a lot of us may have given up on the goals we once pursued and the values we once believed in and by giving up we not only lost our aspirations but ourselves as well; somewhere along the way you find that you need to resurrect that old you and everything you believed in, in order to keep going. I remember saying the world is not ready for this when I wrote it but I think if anyone wasn’t ready it was me - never be scared to call on that OLD YOU when you want to pursue those goals you once gave up on because you’ll find that as long as you’re still alive you have a second chance to do anything. I’ll end by saying this, look around the world, it’s absolutely chaotic and you can call it luck, an act of God or the universe but the fact that you get to read this post shows how bless you are - there are a lot of people not able to. Don’t wait for a life or death situation to open your eyes, embrace the feeling of freedom while you still have it.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Define Yourself (A poem)

They took the perfect canvas
and they painted it white,
then they chose to get creative
and it hurt me that I didn’t fight,
they said they knew me
filled my head with all their expectations,
and I found myself believing that was me
that those things they said were my intentions,
and somewhere down the line
I created this personality,
one I smiled with
but the mirror proudly concealed.
Time came like a disease 
and weakened me,
and I took it as a sign
that this personality
that seemingly made me happy
was slowly killing me,
all those smiles I forced,
all those convos I hosted,
that wasn’t me.

Someone told me once
there’s only so long you could pretend to be happy,
there’s only so long you can pretend to be
someone you weren’t meant to be.
So I took some time out
to really address the issue
and the more I did
there came the tissues,
I heard if you want to change
you have to start from the inside,
but my heart and my mind
well, let’s just say their intentions fail to coincide;
I found myself thinking that maybe
I sent myself away for far too long,
that maybe, just maybe
it was time to sing that person a farewell song.
But it was you that made me think
fool, what are you on?
emotionally you’re dialing 911
but there’s a reason there’s no response.

One day I looked in the mirror
and I really started to f**k with sorrow,
I started to drill,
all those insecurities started to spill,
and like all those shrill cries
my heart slowly died,
and I felt like I was  left with nothing 
but the unwelcoming company of disgrace,
but then I looked at your so-call masterpiece,
and every single paint drop lifted from where it laid,
and that's when it came, 
that moment of freedom - that deep sigh,
and that was when I announced that person
had passed, that fool had died.

I grabbed a pen and some paper
and for once it wasn’t going to scribble notes of deception,
I needed a list for what I did and didn’t stand for
I needed self-actualization,
because you made me doubt my potential,
I believed your approval was essential
but no more – no, more.
I was determined to start over,
I thought maybe that would help me define this character
because if I didn’t get my act together
the aftermath was something I couldn’t bear to picture.
And right now it doesn’t hurt,
if you're at all concerned
because I understand that needed to happen,
I felt like I needed to burn
just to learn, what it is I really yearned.

It was in a moment of deep solitude
that I found perfection,
when I took up the mirror
and said be your own inspiration,
and that person looked back and said
"you decided to let the world know about you,
the when, where, why and whos about you,
I lost your reasons for staying in the shadows,
why you spent so much time, trying to seem shallow,
I don’t know why you chose to wallow,
or why you chose to follow,
why you felt the need to commit
or felt the need to do anything
to alleviate any pain they were feeling,
by following through with that unforgivable lie
it was your happiness you sacrificed,
If you don’t speak out now
you might never do it,
I’ll hold your hand as you declare it,
I’ll be the person you confide in,
and if it comes down to it
I’ll be that shoulder when you crying,
be yourself darling
because when it comes down to it,
it’s the only way you’ll truly be happy. ”

Remember that day
you told yourself,
YOU define YOU
don’t leave it in the hands of them,
well listen to yourself,
be YOU for YOU

because that much YOU OWE YOURSELF.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Hey Folks...

This month surrounds a theme called “Define Yourself and it’s a theme I needed this year, especially for this month because I feel like I’ve faced so much changes over the course of the year and it’s time to really define this new person I’ve become as weird as that sounds. So confession time! I signed up to blogger as a sort of academic requirement and I wasn’t planning on  using it at all until I was somehow persuaded to write a few things by this really nice young lady I hang out with… She’s a fashionista and a great blogger, check her out. http://hellorasida.blogspot.co.uk/

Anyway, when I started this blog everything was so directionless; therefore, I thought it would be wise to give it a very broad title that would allow me to just ramble on about anything. However, when I posted the first post I thought it had this sort of optimistic, philosophical aura, which was really different from anything else I’ve written and I remember thinking consistency was going to be a major problem. I developed this sudden interest for quotes last year and it led to me unknowingly creating my own for the first post and I thought wait, why not make quotes a reoccurring factor in the blog – so I did. Valentine’s week came around and I wrote two poems and that caught me off guard because the only time I’ve ever written poetry is when I’m asked, forced or faced with the unusual urge to just write one (but I’m pretty sure I could count on one hand how much poems I’ve written in my entire life prior to starting this blog) and love is a topic that is very rare in my work, so I was amazed by how well those poems turned out. Then came my first rap-etry piece which stemmed from a poem I started to write but found myself later rapping; the interesting thing is I feel rap-etry is a remarkable technique to use if you want to slaughter issues you feel passionate about (despite me using it to stupidly attack Autumn). I feel to really do rap-etry justice you'll need a lot of passion for a cause and a sort of deep rooted interest for that particular art and that’s just never been my lane. However, I like a good challenge so I’ve decided that when it comes to discussing more controversial topics I’ll definitely launch a few y’all way. The main point is one post led to the next and it sort of all fell into place; I’m trying to show that there are these little unnoticeable steps we take in life that leads to something much larger, but that’s just one of my many reasons for writing this post.

My initial intention surrounded this idea of simply addressing certain topics from a superficial perspective in order to avoid posting anything too personal or controversial.  Truth is I knew by doing that, I’d be robbing the blog of having a personality and I think that was just extremely sad because in my opinion, one crucial element that makes a written piece really great is that engaging identity it emits if that makes any sense. Most importantly, I knew I wouldn’t be giving this blog my very best and that’s something that disappointed me because I feel whenever you’re given a platform you should stomp the hell out of it until you leave your mark, but yet that was exactly what I wasn’t doing. I think it’s time to really change my initial approach to achieve that and that’s another reason for writing this.

I was talking to someone earlier this year and I remember he gave me some sage advice about incorporating my own experiences, emotions and so forth into my blog and I remember telling him that it wasn’t something I’m keen about doing because to be honest, at the time the whole candid divulging thing was just not something I did publicly, but he was right and I knew it. I don’t know if that led to me slowly unveiling because somewhere down the line I went and wrote that Dear Mom post and I swore that I wouldn’t post anything as personal as that again, but here I am about to take this to another level and it feels weird but I think somehow it’s needed.

Looking back I feel like maybe I should have examine the actions of other bloggers - really assess their approach to their blogs before launching mine - especially since the pieces written in my spare time is so different from blogging materials. To be honest, I didn’t do my research because I’ve always felt so strongly about running my own lane and just letting the pieces fall where they may, but the thought of longevity pertaining to my writing in general didn’t even occur to me until now. I feel like whenever you pursue anything in life you take these routes you think you’re aware of and will be content with and without noticing you find out you have to take a step back and really dwell on how best to approach things in a manner that is more you and will guarantee personal fulfillment. Honestly speaking, I feel like I’ve found my standpoint now – I’m ready to really feed you folks what you subconsciously desire – the truth, at least my truth I should say.

My main reason for telling you all this is because I’m planning on really blessing this blog by sharing my knowledge about various things and I’ll do so by sharing messages I’ve learned from events that have occurred or yet to occur and I might finally share a few stuff from my personal collection (we never know). I’ll still be posting my philosophical pieces (as I like to call them), but I feel as though they’re not brutally attacking the topics I’m trying to address head on and that’s my fault because originally I chose to dilute them before serving it to you folks; my aim right now is to make them more down to earth and entertaining but at the same time really blunt yet heartfelt as well. Hopefully, I’ll post a lot more poems (I’m really enjoying those) and you’ll definitely be getting a few more rap-etry because personally I want to see what I can bring to the table, especially since I’ve got so much monthly themes in mind. I will tell you this though, starting today I will make sure that this blog undergoes some profound changes and by doing so, hopefully I’ll open a few minds when thinking about various issues because BRINGING A POSITIVE CHANGE is the overall goal folks.

Before we end this, I want to say that instead of jumping straight into my first post earlier this year, I should have took the time to introduce myself – My name is AKIL and  this blog folks is called Life’s lessons - I hope you enjoy it – READ AWAY!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

The Fall (Rap-etry #1)

After I verbally assaulted summer I knew you were coming for me.
I heard your actions are the start of a cold catastrophe
so I’m prepared, I’m ready.
I heard you start off with a warning,
rain fall like surrendering knees,
trees like skin peels
and leaves fall – is that my destiny?
You threatening me?

You ain’t even began and you colder than you need to be, it ain’t my fault winter is who you trying be. I told Summer to walk away, nicely, it’s not my fault she took it offensively. There’s jackets you know, don’t think your low temperatures gonn scare me, I was born to withstand sleet, so don’t even think too deep about trying to freeze me.

You know children hate you right?
They say you’re that mean back to school season
and I’m the one always defending you,
you little demon,
but it’s o.k. you walk away
and I’ll let bygones be bygones,
I can forgive you
for coming off colder than Simon.

You’re gonna be here regardless, we can pay each other very little notice or we could just get along, end this back and forth game of ping pong. Do your thing, I’ll do mine, despite your dire need to bring them frostbites, I won’t worry, I won’t sweat it, September is my month, I’m planning on enjoying it.

Friday, 30 August 2013

I’m Leaving (Summer poem #4)

It saddens me to say it
but it’s true I’m leaving,
actually that’s a lie
I’m kind of excited;
to be honest
I was getting homesick,
O.k that’s a lie,
but it needed to end
to be a beautiful memory.

The plane journey was fine
and I enjoyed everywhere I dined.
I got to see the family,
July 4th caught me and some fireworks red-handed
trying to abuse the hell out of Miami.

I got to stop by a university,
saw the steps, strolls and salutes
of a few frats and sororities,
even learnt something myself
now that was a beauty,
heard some new music,
saw some cultural dances,
experienced their nightlife
no beaches this time -
sad really.
Met a few new people,
the banters were unbelievable,
shout out to them for being hospitable.
I helped out a charity,
took part in a few events
then left happy;
got some cool gear
so to everyone, CHEERS!

I took some photos
with a few local attractions,
you might get to see some
with a few fancy captions,
took part in a fake video party -
for promotional purposes obviously.
I was inspired
by a lot of things – definitely,
that’s the reason these words
made it to your eyelids,
I had a blast, I admit it,
but we all know that was just one stop
on this incredible journey.

I came, breathe everything in
then exhaled a new person,
so if you hear something new,
something fresh,
feel happy, feel bless,
I got a new genius I want
to bless your soul with,
so stay tuned for the new posts that’ll be coming,
you never know they might be life-changing.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

How about possibilities (Summer poem #3)

I need to work on my time management skills because this poem is long overdue but I feel like it's the best poem I've written so far - I hope you folks enjoy it!!! 

A season like this bring changes,
more anticipation than you can imagine
for someone like me
so I take advantage:
might go canoeing or hit a late night pool party,
invite a few friends over
to storm my dad’s cellar and pantry,
may rent out a gym or stadium even
or I might take it easy
watch a fantasy or write some poetry,
either way anything is possible really.

How about a holiday?
You wanna come with me?
We could hit the Caribbean, Asia or Paris,
try out some of their fine dishes.
We could stop in Rome, go see the Colosseum,
one or two galleries and the Pantheon.
We could touch down in Spain,
watch the amazement that surrounds
the lights illuminating the magic fountain.
Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine…
How about the UK?
Scotland? Wales?
Ireland – Fermanagh sounds great.

We could hijack a plane
take pleasure in terrorizing hostages –
nah, that one you can go ahead, do without me.
No seriously, this is the time for greatness,
let’s do something life-changing,
something epic,
something that will leave history’s jaws dropping;
I suggest we go get Jackie,
try to travel around the world in 79 days,
stop by the shoot of Rush Hour three
to tell Chris to do a dumb pose – Cheese!

Why your eyes wide?
Why you laughing?
I ain’t even gotten started.

Road trip - 50 states sound interesting,
we gotta stop somewhere that has a subway,
get some cookies
my sister loves those little things.
Aah, let’s invent something
or maybe we can go back in history,
ask Cleopatra where she hid her Jewelry
then return and eBay it!
Then go on a quest for a few more relics.
We could become members of a royal family
better yet abolish slavery completely,
bear witness to MLK’s speech
or Mary Anning’s legendary discovery,
we could film what really led to their extinction
now wouldn’t that be a remarkable revelation.
Could see if mutants really existed
and witness how sweet their powers really tasted,
ride on the back of a dragon
or see how the world really began,
live like a caveman
or watch something a witch concoct,
then copy it perhaps.

Go to Greece and witness the first Olympics
or just fight alongside Hercules.
We could observe the bravery of bestiarii
then make up for it
by returning to the BCE era
meditate with Buddha,
or help out with some freedom movements
by assisting a few legends,
Mrs. Tubman, Lincoln, Moses and Gandhi,
take Newton’s ear and whisper gravity,
take part in one of Shakespeare’s famous scenes,
before returning to create our modern rifacimento
or join Miss Lisa to be a masterpiece of The Great Leonardo.
We could drug Moore,
slip under his gear
and drop that touchdown he made in the 60’s,
sneak in the locker room
and steal Johnny U’s jersey. 
Wouldn’t it be great if I pull that stunt on Armstrong,
then I’ll be the first man on the moon,
now that’ll be cool.
What if I did the same to Amelia Earhart?
They’ll never know  a man had anything to do with it,
it will be our little secret.
We could hang with Irwin in his prime
just to tease a few crocodiles.
We could commit lese majeste,
let's think who could be so lucky-
Got it!
Let’s run up on Hitler
and shave his moustache,
put it in a bag then amuse a crowd
by nailing it in a larch.
How about freezing time to get a glimpse of Miss Monroe’s bits,
now that’s just violating
forgive my nasty  mentality,
back to the 21st century
which reminds me, look who is in the white house,
if you believe possibilities aren't endless
get your brain cells out that bigoted shell.

So, how about it?
You wanna hit the waves out in Cali,
climb Mount Everest
or pester those faces
popping out of Mount Rushmore,
what’s a trip without a few detours.
How about India?
I can see us outside the Taj Mahal.
China? I can hear the wall’s call.
Air ballooning, bungee jumping,
mountain climbing,
Bays of Fires -
you feel like hiking?
We could go skiing
or bike riding
look out at Lake Tahoe
as we kill that Rim trail
then set sail
to a remote place.

We could do a lot more;
You wanna visit the future
return with a cure
for AIDS, cancer, diabetes
or poliomyelitis.

You feel like being imaginative?
Don’t act so tentative,
we could go see if robots will be destructive
or if Aliens would invade our planet,
or whether humanity has any other reasons to worry,
then return with a time machine
to satisfy the voracious appetite
of these scientists.
So, how about it?

Hey you still got time
you decide,
we could just get off Earth
and go chill on the rings of Saturn;
we got seven continents
and god knows how many other planets
I’ll be here packing,
let me know if you coming.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Sky stop! Choose already (Summer poem #2)

I wonder if you witness our monstrous actions sometimes
and if in your own way you’re just trying to say not this time.
When you became enraged
and told the clouds to let us have it,
was that a warning
or were you just suffering from mood swings?
I don’t get it
sometimes you’re calm
next minute here comes your palms
covering us in anguish,
experiencing distress,
looking like a proud promoter for unkemptness.
Are you finish?
I can’t distinguish
whether you’re
here to help
or leave us imitating stupid.
Sometimes, I think it’s a nice summer day
it will definitely stay sunny,
next minute here comes heavy rain and high winds.
Do you find it funny?
You lost me – tell me!

What’s your objective?
I use to think that you were the home of angels,
but I soar through you and there’s nothing more cold
and fearful than being in your presence.
You planning on ever just settling down
and just being happy,
or are we constantly going to play victim
to your curse of unpredictability?
Sky listen, choose already
because it’s summer and I told fun I’m ready. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Summer is that you??? (Summer poem #1)

The summer has been quite an experience and so I haven't had the opportunity to post much but since it is coming to an end, I thought now would be the perfect time to feed you folks a few summer poems - I hope you enjoy them all, here's the first one!

I would ask if that’s you Summer but I got the message.
You declared war when your troublesome flowers rose up
and invaded my line of vision,
when Mr. Sun forced me to run for protection,
constantly attacking my fridge
parched as hell,
had me endlessly seeking shade
just to escape his wicked spell,
you can tell him
he was a great delegate -
I got the message!
You’re horrible you know that?
I beg you every year to stay away
but either you’re just being devious
or you’ve gone deaf.
I told you last year
if you paid me a visit this year
then my allergies would as well,
but you came nonetheless.

This morning, I saw Mrs. Pollen
teaching her 100 daughters
to dance elegantly across my path,
laughing as though she was extremely proud
they’d left me distraught.
I just spoke to the concrete
even it’s gotten sick of your heat.
I know you’re not on good terms with Mr. Breeze
but tell him to get off his seat
and join you immediately
because this is just crazy.

I love the opportunity to see some new fashion
and visit some of your seasonal attractions,
but I’ll settle with whatever the TV has to offer.
And I’m grateful for the opportunity to hit the beach
but enough is enough,
I’ll consult my bathtub
for a luxury as such.

The noise from your fellow supporters,
enjoying the parks, their gardens - my street,  
is getting annoying,
I’ve heard enough talking.
I don’t care about your wonderful effects
every year they return and I’m still not impress,
you need to go, I tried telling you nicely
please don’t let me have to shout,
and ice cream prices has risen,
what’s that about?

I must admit though
you’re more exciting than your other siblings;
O.k maybe not Spring
she’s more sympathetic
and she actually listens,
maybe if you did Autumn wouldn’t choose to invade your parade.
The news said this is the hottest you’ve been in a decade,
you need to stop showing off,
there’s only so much blame global warming is willing to take
before it retaliates
and we all get a taste of its rage,
so Summer, go away,
just be nice and kindly walk away.

No, I’m kidding you can stay,
just go easy on us all, O.K?

Sunday, 14 July 2013


Finally got it -  About time! I feel like we've been waiting forever for this and here it is thanks to you my kind and loving sister. I'm 200 pages in and it's great, after the last book I thought Anthony couldn't pull off a gripping conclusion to the series but the changes he made to each character is remarkable, there are some unexpected twists but you'll enjoy it - I won't spoil it for you! I hope you enjoy it when it's your time to read it... On a different note I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, your finally legal to do some things, I hope you enjoy it, god bless you, we wish you plenty more blessed years and WE LOVE YOU CHUBBY!!!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Let me grieve my Yesterdays!

You always used to say I should be thankful for everyday…I just can't believe you're gone, still waiting for morning to come, wanna see if the sun will rise even without you by my side… I know I'll see you again, I'm sure. No, it's not selfish to ask for more, one more night, one more day, one more smile on your face… I thought our days would last forever but it wasn't our destiny 'cause in my mind we had so much time but I was so wrong… They can take tomorrow and the plans we made, they can take the music that we'll never play, all the broken dreams take everything, just take it away but they can never have yesterday… Now I can believe that I can still find the strength in the moments we made” – Leona Lewis (Song: Yesterday).

I don’t know the right things to say when it comes to sorrow; I've never been the comforting type, but I know if I tell you things will get better and one day all the hurt and pain you feel will slowly fade and you’ll eventually know when it’s right to move on and all those wonderful things, I’d feel as though I’m a hypocrite, despite the great degree of truth it holds. I think in times of grief it’s best you allow yourself to embrace everything you feel, absolutely everything because holding everything in only hurts more and whether or not you know it grief has its own way of catching up with us eventually.

Someone once said when a wound is fresh all sense of morality & care disappears and I believe that’s true. I also feel that similar to a wound there’s these little things you need to do before you cover it up and hope it heals. The path grief takes you down is unthinkable sometimes but the road you travel when you ignore dealing with it is rough, tiring, painful and often revengeful. I think in our hearts we make these little plans and sometimes life has this dreadful way of turning our expected tomorrows into yesterdays. I say grieve, mourn your loss, despite what others think or feel you should do, it doesn't matter it’s your life and I say when or if you’re ever ready to move on and I hope you will be then you go ahead and do so. In the meantime I’ll leave you with this…

“You’re grieving for the future and all the plans and dreams you had in your head and now that’s all gone. There’s a wonderful saying - you have to give up the life you've planned, to find the life that’s waiting for you. All our lives we – we grow by giving up things, by loss and, and moving on, big things, little ones, how we handle those losses really defines who we are… You have to be able to hear what’s next in your life, what path you might want to travel down.” - Brothers and Sisters (Series 5, episode 5).

Take it from me grieve but give yourself a chance, listen to your heart, believe in time things will get better and when it’s time to move on do so. It doesn't mean you’re giving up on your past, it just means you’re willing to give the future a chance; it means you’re willing to give yourself a chance at – happiness or something else.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Dear Mom,

I feel like this is something I have to write because if anyone knows how bad I am at verbally expressing anything it’s you, so here it is in writing.

Early this year, I found myself lying down and I was thinking about everything that happened over the past decade and I realize how much I accomplished and how far I came and truth be told I didn’t expect to achieve all that, not even close. At one point, I thought with everything we’ve been through as a family, I had to do a lot of things for you and the little one you blessed us both with and so I became this person that you didn’t even recognize and no matter how hard you tried I just decided to shut you out and so you felt it was just best to be grateful for the side of me you do get see. I decided this year to just stop for a while and try to see how it felt to do something for me for once and I understand now that it was extremely selfish to think that, especially after everything that took place last year but I want you to know that I’m sorry because when it comes to us three there’s no room for selfishness - of all people I should know that. Sometimes I feel like I hurt you more than I hurt myself and honestly speaking that scares me.

I never told you but I always admired everything about you growing up. You have so much faith, confidence, ambition, courage, strength, you’re humble, hard-working, fair, loving, honest, down to earth, loyal, one in 69 trillion and unbelievably beautiful (still got the best looking eyes this planet has seen for the past 60 centuries) and I thought with qualities like that how could someone be so selfless and still have such a big heart and not be vain or manipulative - I thought if you weren’t an angel then who was. We’ve been through a lot these few years and if I’m honest I found out you’re more human than I thought and I thank God every day because I saw the lengths you were willing to go to get what you want and I decided I was going to do whatever necessary to get what I want too. Right now I wish I could say you grew me up to be a man we could both be proud of but I can’t, at least not yet; however, I can say I’m going to do you proud though, that I swear. I’m a very capricious person, you are one of three people in the world that’s witness that first-hand and I thank you for everything you’ve done for me under the circumstances. I know that’s not something you hear from me enough but thank you never seems enough to me, but I really appreciate everything - absolutely everything.

You taught me that I’m different and that’s something I have to be proud of, it’s not worth hiding. You taught me that I’m blessed and whether or not I like it or know it I was born to make a difference and giving up is not even worth thinking about. You always said everything you do is for your two children and I’ve seen that's true every day through your actions and that has taught me to be a man of my word. Everything you’ve done defines strength and you've done it as a single mom, so believe me when I say there’s no one else in this world I respect more.

You always said think about the far future, don’t really focus on tomorrow and I’ve always lived by that; well, see the future has a lot in store for us, changes you can’t even imagine, I’ve seen it! The good thing is the one thing our triangle has always been good at is bouncing back so starting now ma, let’s do what we’re good at and start moving and striving again. Just remember you always said “we’re survivors and in Jesus name we already made it” – right now we’re just filling in the blanks. I know after everything you can’t help but worry about me but try to worry less, remember I’m your kid, I’m not planning on letting anything or anyone stop me from getting what’s mine in this life, neither is your little daughter – trust me. I love you and my remarkable chubby sister, more than you know.


One of Your Many Blessings

P.S. Ann-Fernee I know you would kill me if I did not give you a shout out so baby sis, there you go, so like you always say CHEERS TO OUR TRIANGLE!!!