Friday, 9 April 2021


I was speaking to someone lately and they mentioned they felt very depressed, they continued to express that they feel it's pointless getting intimate or close to anyone in this world when the outcome remains the same... Death! I responded death is natural and it's a way of life, what's pointless is letting that inevitable factor prevent you from living. We shouldn't have to sacrifice the wonderful things life has to offer, especially if they brings us a modicum of happiness due to knowing they're on a timer.

I feel like death has become such a reoccurring theme after experiencing so many losses throughout the world last year, so that daunting fear that us or our loved ones could be next is natural, but when stricken with fear you can only do one thing honey - hope. I binged watched Marvel's Cloak and dagger lately and it reminded me of the importance of hope. Remember 'dreams' people? Do you remember having dreams? Remember those infinitesimal moments you may have felt invincible like nothing was going to stop you from reaching great heights or just accomplishing what you desire? You remember your nightmares, how the fear dissolved after waking up and realizing it's not your reality? Well that's kind of the battle we're facing now only you're letting fear shield your hope and you need to acknowledge there's more to your life than just death, dread and disappointment. I said it before and I guess I'll keep saying it, this blog was built on hope. I wanted it to serve as a source of light for you all and myself, so if you think for a second the best is not yet to come, you're wrong! You should always hope for the very best, then prepare to receive the very best because the very best is what you'll soon receive. Your dreams will come true. Your goals will be met. Death will have to wait till you're ready and fear has no power because hope has spoken. Hope is your weapon in this fight so use it!

WoW, what a rant! I'm sorry. I feel like we tend to forget our species only came this far because we fought to overcome the adversity that plagued each year, decade, century, era by hoping our inventions and efforts would lead to so much more and they did. We live in the century of utter miracle, look around at how much the human race has. Look at the advances we've made and we all know things will only keep getting more advanced. Death is a cycle of life and so is hope, so is faith, so is change, so is courage. So have the courage to stand up to fear or depression, or whatever adversary is mentally blocking your hope from coming to the forefront and start to hope for great things again because this feeling of dread is not your testimony baby - SUCCESS IS! GRAB YOUR SEEDS AND START PLANTING GREAT FUTURE EXPECTATIONS... HARVEST SEASON IS NIGH!

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