Friday, 9 April 2021

The year of death is not over

Death. It's a powerful word isn't it. It recently dawned on me how many great minds, wonderful personalities and bright futures have been stolen at the hands of fatalism. I mean as humans we really fight, don't we? I've seen it first hand, when pain hits we try, really try to beat our obstacles to a pulp. It's one thing to override the sadness tied to getting out of bed and committing to jobs we really don't want to die doing but tolerate for economical reasoning day after day, added to the pressure of simply trying to walk in our truths - as our authentic self in a world that seem to can't comprehend that they are fighting to forbid truth on a planet that's in dire need of more candor, compassion and transparency; in addition, we're hit with incurable illnesses, environmental pandemics, political victimization and so forth but despite it all we continue to fight. We're really, really, really fighting, I just don't get why god or the universe or better yet life is on the prosecution's side of the court. Also, I don't get why it's blatant that humanity (our fellow brothers and sisters) regardless of race or other differentiating visual factors are our only hope for enforcing well needed changes and yet we're not helping each other be better and do better: we clnstantly choose to partake in this crab in a bucket, tug of war game against those in amongst us to no avail - we all fall at the hands of death victims if the same pathetic cycle.

2020 was an extremely tragic one not just due to the literal deaths we've all been publicly exposed to but the deaths of our social life, positive psychological state, HOPE and so forth. I think it was prophecied awhile back that 2020 like the year 2000 would bring about unforseen changes on a positive and evolutionary level but there we were feeling stuck (not just at home but also on the spectrum of progress). Maybe it did bring some form of cosmic change. Maybe we've been under the invisible influences of vanity and trivial thoughts for so long we needed a drastic page turner to shake our very core, to remind us of the things and people in life we truly value. The pandemic has been quite eye opening, it shined a light on so much: The government limited amount of power and questionable intelligence; the great divides throughout society; the fragility of mortality; the influences of role models; your will to enact change; personal triggers, systematic racism etc; and probably for the first time ever we endured a state of global instropection. *See there is something new under the sun* Every nation band together to unite against one threat, despite their different strategies to conquer the battle at hand, the greatest win was that we all united against one threat.

Somewhere not too far from your doorsteps another parent has lost a child, a grandparent has been taken, cousin, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle - another life has been stolen at the hands of fate. Somehow my condolences or a roomful of platitudes don't seem to cut it anymore and that heavy feeling of "I should live life to the fullest" seem to be accompanied with a gift wrapped timer because somehow we know we won't stick to that fleeting devotion despite desperately wanting to. Goodbye seems just as temporary, doesn't it? As though you'll one day see that face and hold those hands again and tomorrow may just be the day for such reunions but today the only thing that resonates is the grief of that departure. How do we make a difference we ask ourselves. Personally, I don't know. Death is inevitable! I guess all we can try to do is help those around us while we still can. HELP! Contribute to finding cures, or start rehabilitation centres, or start being a worldwide voice for those suffering from rape or mutually experienced trauma, just start helping, maybe a life or two could be saved if you do. 

I guess we still find ourselves perpetually wondering why does death keep coming? Why doesn't that resilient little fuck acknowledge our efforts and just surrender. Since the millennium has began, it has shown us how close we are treading to the edge of humanity's doom and it's high time we accept the curse of inevitability. What if the saying is true, "there's only one god and his name is death"? I mean all the other gods we serve has only delayed the inevitable right, but death seem to be the only one successfully doing as expected for millenniums. It's a shame such a fate still mortify us and the pain it carries is such a burden despite knowing it's inevitability. The year of death will continue so I guess our job is to live (life to the fullest) while we wait right. Maybe we're all lives hanging from nooses and the only thing we can do is keep the fight, so keep fighting.

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